Please give prescription medicines for your child to the teacher with instructions. We will place them in the refrigerator or in the medicine cabinet. The parent should fill out the necessary information on a Medication Authorization Form.
The bottle must show the name of the child, the prescription number, the name of the doctor, and how many times per day the medication is to be given.
Please take notice of our established emergency response plan, which is posted in the school. We are happy to review the plan with you, please contact us for details.
Fire drills will be carried out monhtly as requested by Fire Code.
For information about childcare regulations in Maine, please view:

State regulations require us to maintain an immunization record and emergency card on each child. These completed forms, (found on Documents and Forms page) must be submitted before your child begins school.
We require that children be toilet trained.
We will notify you if your child shows symptoms of illness while in our care.
In the event that your child will be absent, please inform us as soon as possible via email and/or phone messgage.
Parents should exercise caution and keep their child home when in doubt about the child’s health or if any of the following symptoms are present.
- A temperature over 100 degrees. Children should be free from fever for a full 24 hours before returning to school.
- Diarrhea or vomiting
- A rash
- Nasal discharge or discharge from the eyes or ear
- New cough or sore throat
- Generally feeling unwell or fatigued
If the child shows symptoms after exposure to a contagious disease, he/she should be kept at home and the condition should be reported to the school. (COVID-19, Strep throat, pin worms, viral infections, infected ears and/or glands, measles, mumps, chicken pox, scarlet fever, head lice, etc., are among those conditions categorized as “highly contagious”.)
We are certified in first aid, as well as infant and child CPR by the Red Cross and A.H.A.
- We may shift our protocol to best maintain the health of our young community and we appreciate your ongoing support.
- Presently (September 2022), if a child tests positive for COVID 19, we require a home quarantine time of 5 days before returning to school. After 5 days, if they are not experiencing any symptoms of COVID, they may return if they are fully capable of wearing a mask while indoors for the next 5 days.
- Masks are optional indoors: unless the person is feeling at all unwell or has someone with an active case of COVID living in their home.
- In the event that a child or staff member lives with someone experiencing COVID, they are required to wear a mask for 10 days while indoors at school and test as recommened, and/or test if they develop any symptoms.
CDC Guidelines Questions and Answers Link: Maine CDC