Appletree School Daily Schedule
This is a sample of a typical school day while attending Appletree School. Whenever possible, learning will occur outside in the unique environment surrounding Appletree School. Learning areas include gardens, woodland tails, large playing/soccer fields, playground with slide and swing set, fruit trees, shelters and picnic areas, outside reading areas, sledding hill, frog pond and Kettle Cove and Crescent Beach are just down the road a bit, found carved out along the rocky Atlantic coastline.
8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m.-Drop off and Outside play: Mud Kitchen, Woods Walking, Greeting friends and teachers and Play and Explore.
9:30 a.m.- Wash hands and Snack, outdoors if possible
10:00 a.m. Morning Meeting: Daily Song, Movement and Puppet shows. French and Spanish, Estimation Jar/recording numbers, singing together, and learning new poetry.
10:30 a.m. Exploration and discovery outdoors.
If inside: Stations and Choice Time: Theater and Character Builders, Letter Workshop, Sensory Play, Sewing, Journaling, Cook with a Book, Art, Freedom to Play and Music.
11:30 a.m. Clean up and Transition: Storytelling, Yoga, Creative music and Dance, Outside Time: Fairy Villiage, Hiking Club, Outdoor Theater, Field Games
12:30 p.m. Wash hands for Lunch! Eat outside if possible.
1:30 p.m. Peaceful Time: Read stories aloud, Meditation and "True Rest"
2:15-2:45 p.m. Outside Time and Pick Up M,T,TH,F (1:15-1:45 W)